WASHINGTON, D.C. – August 30, 2022 – INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, filed reply comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in its proceeding on resolving disputes over pole replacement costs.
The INCOMPAS filing highlights the need to support the goals of the bipartisan Infrastructure Act by streamlining deployment of faster, advanced broadband networks that connect local communities and save them money at the same time.
“Millions of American families and small businesses are looking to the FCC to ensure more broadband competition, faster speeds and lower prices. The FCC can check all those boxes with common sense pole access reform that streamlines the deployment process for new network builders looking to provide next-generation services to communities across the nation. At the same time, the Commission can ease the burden on competitors and new entrants by recognizing the direct benefit pole owners receive from pole replacement and modifying its rules to more fairly allocate replacement costs,” said Chip Pickering, CEO of INCOMPAS.
The INCOMPAS filing stresses that changes to pole attachment and pole replacement are sorely needed. With tens of billions in federal broadband funding becoming available, INCOMPAS believes the Commission should act now to remove this deployment barrier.
The comments also highlight the introduction of several alternative pole replacement cost methodologies into the record that more accurately reflect the direct benefit pole owners receive and the costs for which new attachers should be responsible. INCOMPAS supports these methodologies, specifically Crown Castle’s, and urges the Commission to issue new transparency rules to lessen disputes that slow the deployment of new networks.