INCOMPAS Files in FCC Net Neutrality Proceeding

WASHINGTON, D.C. – December 14, 2023 – INCOMPAS CEO Chip Pickering released the following statement after submitting comments in the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Net Neutrality proceeding:

INCOMPAS has led the industry in promoting a federal net neutrality framework for over a decade to ensure that consumers have access to competitive online services, content and applications of their choice, which helps drive the business case for more competitive broadband network deployment. Absent Congressional action, we support the FCC’s proposal to reclassify broadband internet access service and to reimpose its 2015 net neutrality rules. INCOMPAS’ broadband-only members will be able to obtain the protections in Title II so that they can build their networks faster and more affordably, including obtaining access to poles and multi-tenant environments. Our comments also recommend that the Commission avoid imposing onerous, new regulations on broadband providers that are not needed to promote an open internet. We also urge the FCC follow its precedent and avoid regulating in areas where it lacks statutory authority over internet services, including content delivery networks. We look forward to working with the Commission to further its open internet policy and speed deployment for broadband networks.”
