WASHINGTON, D.C. – October 8, 2024 – INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, filed comments in response to the FCC’s Notice of Inquiry (NOI), pursuant to Section 706 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the Commission’s next annual assessment concerning the “availability of advanced telecommunications capability to all Americans.” The following statement can be attributed to INCOMPAS President Angie Kronenberg:
“The availability of BIAS connectivity throughout the U.S. is critical for the nation’s economic development and global competitive edge. As the leading trade association advocating for competition and innovation, INCOMPAS and its members are at the forefront of helping Americans get better, faster, more affordable internet service and online content. As the Commission determines whether broadband service is being deployed in a timely and reasonable manner, INCOMPAS urges the FCC to consider our recommendations, such as using additional resources, including broadband labels and providers’ websites, to better analyze affordability and prices of broadband services to ensure the Section 706 inquiry accurately captures the availability of advanced telecommunications capability.”