INCOMPAS Files Comments on the FCC’s Public Notice of the Shared-Use Framework for the Lower 37GHz Band

WASHINGTON, D.C. – September 9, 2024 – INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, today filed comments in response to the FCC’s Public Notice seeking to further develop the record on how a co-equal, shared-use framework which allows federal and non-federal operations should be implemented in the 37.0-37.6 GHz band (Lower 37 GHz band). The following statement can be attributed to Christopher L. Shipley, Executive Director of Public Policy of INCOMPAS:

“Reaching unserved and underserved communities with new broadband technologies requires the type of creative decision-making that the Commission has exercised as it has explored making more intensive use of mid-band and millimeter wave spectrum. With the solutions it needs to repurpose the Lower 37 GHz band for commercial use in hand, the Commission should act now to finalize the operational rules for the band so that fixed wireless providers can bring these innovative broadband service offerings to American consumers.

With the Lower 37 GHz band, the Commission has an opportunity to quickly open new spectrum resources for competitive providers seeking to deliver affordable residential broadband service to consumers across the country.”