INCOMPAS CEO Issues Statement on New USTR NTE Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – March 29, 2024 – Today, INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, released the following statement in response to the United States Trade Representative’s (USTR) National Trade Estimate (NTE) report:
“Today, the USTR released this year’s NTE report, which is supposed to identify and address trade barriers facing American businesses. Concerningly, the USTR intentionally removed references to the many targeted discriminatory foreign digital trade barriers facing the innovative American companies, specifically in regard to the EU AI Act and DMA laws in the European Union and Japan. Our digital economy supports millions of jobs for hardworking Americans and accounts for more than 10% of U.S. GDP. Removing mention of these issues, is a severe abdication of responsibility over nearly 20% of the economy.” said INCOMPAS CEO Chip Pickering.

“While this move is deeply concerning, it’s unfortunately not a surprising one from the current USTR leadership, who have failed to stand up for American companies facing discriminatory regulations and have put U.S. economic interests on the backburner. Ultimately, this action only invites further discrimination against U.S. firms, threatening pro-competitive policies, American businesses, workers and U.S. economic interests,” he continued.