INCOMPAS Announces Keynote Speakers and Panels for February 8 Policy Summit

Sens. Bennet, King, Lujan and Portman along with Reps. Clark and Fletcher to join FCC Chairwomen Rosenworcel, Commissioners Carr and Simington, Leaders from NTIA, as well as the Agriculture, Transportation and Treasury Departments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – January 31, 2022 – INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, will hold its 2022 Policy Summit on Tuesday, February 8, in Washington, D.C. The event will feature several leading Members of Congress, as well as FCC and Administration officials, who will discuss next steps on broadband infrastructure and deployment, competition policy, USF reform and the future of streaming and innovation policies that shape our economy.

“The INCOMPAS Policy Summit always sets the table for topics and conversations that shape and move the broadband, internet and streaming industry into the future. Our association is 40 years strong and continues to break the boundaries of innovation with new services and faster speeds that help consumers save and small businesses grow,” said Chip Pickering, CEO of INCOMPAS. “This year’s event features one of our biggest and boldest line-ups yet – with leaders from the FCC, NTIA, Treasury, Transportation and Agriculture joining with bipartisan Congressional competition champions who delivered the historic Infrastructure law that, done right, will make the United States the leader in deploying faster, more affordable broadband solutions and 5G to all Americans.”

This 2022 INCOMPAS Policy Summit will be an in-person event held at the Conference Center at Hogan Lovells (555 13th St NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20004). Virtual access to the Policy Summit also will be offered for those that cannot join in person. To register, click here. For press credentials, email Gail Norris at

Schedule (as of January 31, 2022)

8:15 a.m.
Welcome and Opening with INCOMPAS CEO Chip Pickering

8:30 a.m.
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

9:00 a.m.
FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr

9:30 a.m.
FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington

10:10 a.m.
Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (D-Texas)

10:30 a.m.
Sen. Ben Luján (D-New Mexico)

11:00 a.m.
Rep. Bob Latta (R-Ohio)

11:30 a.m.
FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel

12:15 p.m.
Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Sen. Angus King (I-Maine)

1:15 p.m.
USF Reform: Process, Proposals and Prospects of Moving Forward 

Part 1: Chris Nelson, Chairman, South Dakota Public Utilities Commission in conversation with Angie Kronenberg, Chief Advocate and General Counsel, INCOMPAS

Part 2: 
Moderator: Lindsay Stern, Policy Advisor, INCOMPAS

Andrew Brown, Managing Partner, Levine, Blaszak, Block & Boothby, LLP
Nell Geiser, Director of Research, Communications Workers of America
Carol Mattey, Principal, Mattey Consulting LLC 

2:30 p.m.
Why Wait: Unleashing the Future of 5G with 12 GHz

Moderator: Michele Farquhar, Partner, Hogan Lovells

Caressa D. Bennet, Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson, and General Counsel, Rural Wireless Association
Michael Essington, Senior Manager of Public Policy, DISH
Tim Meyer, Go Long Wireless
Joel Thayer, President, Digital Progress Institute

3:15 p.m.
Keys to the Condo: Unlocking Broadband Competition in Multi-tenant Environments

Moderator: Christopher L. Shipley, Policy Advisor, INCOMPAS

Jenna Leventoff, Senior Policy Counsel, Public Knowledge
Brian Regan, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Chief of Staff, Starry

4:00 p.m.
Carlos Monje Jr., Under Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Transportation 

4:15 p.m.
Infrastructure: The Impact of New Federal Funding on the Broadband Industry

Part 1 – The Role of Federal Agencies
Moderator: Andrew Mincheff, Government Relations Director, INCOMPAS

Douglas Kinkoph, Associate Administrator, Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth, NTIA
Christopher A. McLean, Assistant Administrator, Electric Programs, Rural Utilities Service
Joseph Wender, Capital Projects Fund Director, U.S. Treasury Department

Part 2 – The Role of the States and Local Government 
Moderator: Mignon L. Clyburn, Former Commissioner, FCC

Stanley Adams, Director, Office of Broadband Development, Kansas Department of Commerce
Steve Benjamin, Former Mayor, Columbia, S.C.
Ernesto Falcon, Senior Legislative Counsel, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Peggy Schaffer, Executive Director, ConnectME Authority

Part 3 – Industry Viewpoint: Federal Broadband Funding Programs
Moderator: Andrew D. Lipman, Partner, Morgan Lewis

Josh Broder, CEO, Tilson
Chris Champion, Vice President, Government Relations, C Spire
Kelly McGriff, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Uniti Group
Staci Pies, Vice President, Public Policy, Crown Castle
Matt Wiltanger, General Counsel, Unite Private Networks  

6:00 p.m.
